• 23.10.2020
  • Warsztaty

Goldman Sachs Event

Goldman Sachs Event

Goldman Sachs invites students to attend a 2-day insight series sponsored by Women in Engineering and Warsaw Women's Network to learn about career opportunities in our Engineering organization and how to succeed in the recruitment process. As part of these insight days, participants will have the opportunity to understand what it’s like to be an Engineer at Goldman Sachs through technical spotlight sessions, participate in a CV, technical and interview skills workshop to prepare for the assessment process, take part in individual and group mentoring sessions and network with other students through teambuilding activities.

The event will take place on Thursday, 12 November and Tuesday, 25 November at 10:30 – 16:30. Please sign-up via GS Events and search for 2020 Goldman Sachs Engineering Insight Series.


Goldman Sachs zaprasza Studentki i Absolwentki zainteresowane karierą w ramach Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Quantitative Strategists oraz Systems Engineering do wzięcia udziału w 2-dniowym programie Engineering Insight Series. Będzie to okazja do rozmów na temat nowych trendów w technologii, ciekawych projektach technologicznych oraz o tematach Diversity & Inclusion. W ramach wydarzenia odbędą się tech talki, warszaty z pisania CV, przygotowania do rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej; sesje mentoringowe oraz wiele innych ciekawych eventów.

Program odbędzie się przez platformę Zoom w czwartek, 12 listopada oraz wtorek, 25 listopada w godzinach 10:30 – 16:30. Zapraszamy do zapisów przez stronę GS Events (2020 Goldman Sachs Engineering Insight Series).


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