We know that searching for jobs may be easy but finding the right one is not a walk in the park. How would you like to apply for jobs? Would you like to be connected with top global employers?
Participate in the Potentialpark Study 2021, and you will help employers globally to become more Talent Friendly by shaping the future of recruitment.
As a token of appreciation, you will get access to a variety of rewards, some of which could help you land your dream job. You will receive:
START THE SURVEY NOW => https://survey.potentialpark.com/s3/Talent-Communication2021-eounen
As the thought leader in Talent Communication, Potentialpark brings the voice of the candidates to the table.
Thank you so much for your participation and have an awesome day!
The Potentialpark team
*Recipients of the Amazon Vouchers and Tickets to the Potentialpark Conference are decided according to a Potentialpark policy.