• 09.01.2025
  • Konkursy

The 2025 EY Open Science AI & Data Challenge: Cooling Urban Heat Islands

The 2025 EY Open Science AI & Data Challenge:  Cooling Urban Heat Islands

Do you want to help solve global problems and expand your knowledge in the field of AI and data analysis? Join the EY Open Science AI & Data Challenge today. Prizes worth up to $10,000 await the winners.

In the US and many other industrialized countries, heat events account for more than all other natural hazards combined¹ and cities are getting hit the hardest. Urban areas are most susceptible to heat stress due to the high density of buildings, coupled with the lack of green space and water bodies. The result is that cities can be much hotter than suburban and rural areas, which is bad news for health and energy use.

This is where AI and data come in. Challenge participants will develop machine learning models to forecast temperatures across a city. Their models will determine where hotspots exist and are likely to develop, making the case for more green infrastructure, leading-edge building practices, and urban design that brings cooling relief to vulnerable communities.


The competition officially begins on January 20, 2025, but you can register today. All output from the challenge has the potential to help solve the problem with heat islands, and top entrants will be eligible for cash prizes.

Sign up or learn more at https://challenge.ey.com/2025

On 22nd January we’re hosting a virtual session to share more information. You can register today at: 2410-12011-CS Open Science AI and Data Challenge Orientation


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