The programme is as follows:
The programme is as follows:
3.30pm – 4pm: Technical Talk by Prof Aditya on Designing Safe and Secure Cyber Physical Systems: Challenges in Defense and Testing
An increasing frequency of unauthorized attempts to intrude into public infrastructure with (possibly) malicious intent has led to heightened research activity aimed at the design of safe and secure Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). In this talk, we focus on work related to the design and testing of systems such as water purification and smart grid using testbeds under construction at SUTD. We examine attacker models and potential attacks, and dwell on how one could test CPS to ensure their safety and security. We will also examine novel ideas of CPS defense and testing based on physical and logical invariants, hardware and software mutations that we call attacklets, and device-specific intelligent checkers. Our proposed methodology for CPS testing is aimed at generating suitable metrics for assessing the level of security and safety of a CPS and to assist designers in creating layered cyber defense infrastructure.
Prof Aditya will sign and give away one hardbound copy of his book titled "Foundations of Software Testing: Second Edition” during the talk to the person in the audience who asks the "Most intriguing question in software testing."
4pm – 5pm: Presentation by SUTD about the University and opportunities available
5pm – 5.30pm: Presentation by Contact Singapore about working and living in Singapore
5.30 – 6pm: Networking / Q&A over dinner
The venue of the session is:
University of Warsaw
Faculy of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
Banacha 2 (entrance from Pasteura)
02-097 Warsaw, Poland
Room 2180
Please feel free to invite colleagues / friends in the same field who might be interested to find out more about Singapore and SUTD. Do direct them to the registration website to indicate their interest to participate so that we can know more about them before the actual meeting.
Lastly, do note that the session is also open to PhD students who are keen to find out more about postdoc opportunities in Singapore and SUTD.