• 21.10.2016
Seminarium "Effective Graphical Abstracts" (w j. angielskim) dla doktorantów, pracowników naukowych i młodych naukowców

Seminarium "Effective Graphical Abstracts" (w j. angielskim) dla doktorantów, pracowników naukowych i młodych naukowców

Where?/Miejsce:  Gmach Główny PW,  Pl. Politechniki 1, room/sala 144

When?/Termin: October 21st , 3 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. | 21.10.2016, godz. 15:00 - 16:15


Seminar objectives

When reading grant proposals or research papers, people look at figures first. If
created properly, graphical figures are the most efficient way to explain complex ideas and at the same time attract readers and raise credibility. We will discuss the principles and best practices used in visual communication, which can be applied to figures for research papers, project proposals, conference posters, and slides.

Jernej’s goal is to help scientists present their research using clear and effective graphics. Drawing on various fields including technology, art and communication, his
research focuses on identifying the best practices and principles scientists can use for visually presenting their research findings.

The material in his courses is easily understood and can instantly be used in practice by scientists and engineers.

Jernej holds a PhD (2011) in computer science from University of Ljubljana, is a
published photographer, EU project evaluator and founder of Seyens Ltd. He and his colleagues assist scientists and businesses in grant applications and other aspects of visual communication.

Presenter: Dr. Jernej Zupanc
Effective graphical abstracts
Seminar by Dr. Jernej Zupanc ... or how to visually communicate complex scientic ideas visual perception

The content is prepared for scientists and distilled from the following topics:

• Understand human visual perception and how it applies to scientific communication.
• Learn principles for presenting research through clear and well designed graphics.
• Learn about simple and free online tools that will help design figures.
• Motivate researchers to apply the newly acquired knowledge to their communication.



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