• 25.03.2021
  • Wydarzenie studenckie

P&G Talent Acquisition Survey

P&G Talent Acquisition Survey

P&G is currently working on a global research study to find out how to better assist you with any question on your mind during university times.

We would like to understand how and where we can help you navigate the sometimes challenging university times best.

For this means we will conduct roughly 120 minutes long focus groups where we would be delighted to have you participate.

There is no preparation needed to participate and you will get a small incentive to thank you for your help.

If you are interested in participating please submit a short survey by March 27, 2021 (pls find the link to the survey underneath this text).


As mentioned, the study will take approximately 120 minutes in a group session with up to 4 students from your country.

The sessions will be performed remotely as a web conference on April 12th or April 13th between 3 and 5 pm.

During the study, we’ll ask you to answer a couple of questions to gather your opinions and feedback about school life, habits of Internet usage, career expectations and goals or desirable field of work.

It is really about understanding you, your questions and concerns a little better.

We commit that you will not receive any sales or marketing follow-up calls, and your identity will be held as confidential information.


In case you qualify AND are interested, we’ll also include you in a second 120 minutes remote co-creation session that will take place in the last week of April.


Are you interested in answering a few questions to determine if you qualify for the study? This survey should only take 5 minutes to complete: https://forms.gle/o9rZCXUamtHCeu8w5.


Thanks a lot and looking forward to meeting you soon virtually,

Your P&G team

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